Manual Handling Awareness

Who’s this course for?

Manual handling injuries are amongst the most common injuries to impact people in the workplace.
Some industries are of a higher risk but any task that involve, “Lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling
heavy loads or people, can put workers at risk of serious injury”
To help you and your people avoid these expensive, often long lasting and unnecessary injuries, we
provide manual handling training courses for the workplace. Our courses are designed to raise
awareness of safe manual handling principles and techniques to reduce risk.

Who should attend?

Anyone requiring Manual Handling certification

Course Availability

We can run this course at your venue 

What our syllabus covers

Awareness (3 hours)
Hierarchy of measures
 Anatomy of the spine
 Efficient moving principles
 Causes and consequences of soft tissue and bone injury
 Manual handling risk assessment
 Safe lifting techniques
 Box and bowler lifts

Is there an exam?

Assessment is completed via observation during the course and a multi choice question paper